The New Blogger Award!

Hey, girls! Clara from nominated me for the New Blogger Award!

Clara has a great, creative blog, so if you haven’t seen it yet, you should check it out. Here are the rules.

~ Post the award on your blog.

~ Answer the questions you were given.

~ Nominate 4 to 7 blogs (they must have under 100 posts, and their blog has to have been running for less than a year), and leave a comment on their blog telling them they have been nominated!

~ Then come up with 4 questions to ask your nominees!:)

Here are Clara’s questions.

1. If you had to buy a non-AG doll, what doll would you buy?

I might get a Gotz 18″ girl doll, because they’re pretty cute, and I like that you can straighten and curl their hair with normal appliances.

2. Do you have any pets? If so, what? If not, do you want one?

Yes. We own a Yorkie named Maggie, a Betta named Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore the Second, and a bunch of fish in theΒ  pond in our backyard. The largest one is named Moose, and he’s over 10 years old.

3. What do you think about Grace Thomas?

I love her! I think she’s so pretty and unique! She’s the next doll on my wishlist. πŸ™‚

4. What inspired you to start a blog?

I really liked going on other people’s blogs and I thought it would be fun to have my own.Β Liz’s, Jaclynn’s, Carli’s, Madison’s, and Emma’s were my main inspiration. Their blogs are,, (which is no longer posted on) :(,, and They’re all awesome bloggers. πŸ™‚

5. Do you think you will ever β€œoutgrow” your dolls?

I don’t think I will. I’ve loved dolls ever since I was little, and I’ve stopped saying I’m done buying dolls, because I don’t think I ever will be. πŸ™‚

I’m going to nominate:

Kathryn at

Rebekah at

Okay, I’m not sure who hasΒ a new blog and hasn’t already gotten this award, so if you fit the description, please let me know. The questions are the same ones I was asked. Thanks to Clara for nominating me for this award!


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